
In 1985, Craig accepted an apprenticeship with a 3rd generation ornamental plasterer in Florida. His apprenticeship consisted of learning Stucco and ornamental work, running molds and a lot of mitering the inside and outside corners of the various moldings that they created.

In 1990, he moved back to Rockport, MA to begin his work as a journeyman with a local plasterer. Here he continued to learn about mixing and matching textures and honing his skills.

In 1996, Craig started Moore Plastering and has been working restorative and contemporary projects throughout New England.

Craig’s deep respect for this handed down tradition and the training he received has allowed him to excel in the craft and artistry of fine plaster work.

“Plaster has its own unique characteristics that set it apart from other building materials.

Whether preserving a 17th Century home or repairing a crown molding on Beacon Hill, each mix counts and achieving that certain look to the project at hand requires skill as well as an inner passion to create sound surfaces that represent and present strength and elegance.” -- Craig Moore


 Copyright © 2009 Moore Plastering. All Rights Reserved.       10 Union Lane, Rockport, MA 01966    (978) 546-3978